Dec 15, 2009
Last post of the season. We spent 6 weeks at Lizard Island - the northernmost extent of our cruise this year and then we hurried south to Bundaberg in 3 weeks! Until next year, bye for now!
Sep 19, 2009
An account of our month spent between Townsville and Cairns - on the Queensland Coast and Great Barrier Reef - and a discussion of anchoring issues.
Aug 14, 2009
An account of our month spent diving in the Whitsunday Islands; and a few emails answered.
Jun 28, 2009
Welcome to PodCastaway 2009. We're only 2 weeks into our 2009 cruising season and have progressed only about 200 miles up the coast of Queensland. But it was about time I made a podcast episode, and I'm sure you want to hear about our trips to New Zealand and Tasmania!
Nov 13, 2008
Recorded during our passage from Port Vila, Vanuatu, to
Bundaberg, Australia. We made stopovers at Huon Atoll and
Chesterfield Reef.
This is the last Podcast of this cruise. Thanks for coming