Dec 15, 2009
Last post of the season. We spent 6 weeks at Lizard Island - the northernmost extent of our cruise this year and then we hurried south to Bundaberg in 3 weeks! Until next year, bye for now!
Sep 19, 2009
An account of our month spent between Townsville and Cairns - on the Queensland Coast and Great Barrier Reef - and a discussion of anchoring issues.
Aug 14, 2009
An account of our month spent diving in the Whitsunday Islands; and a few emails answered.
Jun 28, 2009
Welcome to PodCastaway 2009. We're only 2 weeks into our 2009 cruising season and have progressed only about 200 miles up the coast of Queensland. But it was about time I made a podcast episode, and I'm sure you want to hear about our trips to New Zealand and Tasmania!