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PodCastaway: Liveaboard Cruising

Dec 18, 2006

At sea in the small hours again. It shows -- I sound half asleep.

New music! No more Trinidad, so no more Pan. We're in Venezuela, so I've gone Latin.

Nov 20, 2006

Show 10. Recorded at 2am a few miles short of Los Testigos, Venezuela. I thought we would be unable to stop at Los Testigos due to the conditions and the timing. I was wrong!

The mp3 was bad so I've re-uploaded it.

Jul 25, 2006

End of the cruising season and we get hauled out in Trinidad. Sorry about the poor voice-over quality but I left my decent microphone behind when I came to California.We'll be back on the boat in October.

May 18, 2006

I know I introduce it as Podcast 7, but it's really number 8!

1. Our visit to Montserrat.

2. A review of our underwater photography equipment.

Mar 30, 2006

1. We came back to Trinidad for the Carnival. This is what we found.

2. Diving in St Vincent and St Lucia